Publicis One is the global communications enterprise that unites all of Publicis Groupe’sagency brands and assets under one roof, one leadership, in 50 countries. With more than 8,000 employees,the Publicis One operation spreads across Latin America, Europe, Middle East, Africa, and Asia.
Floriane Tripolino has been appointed Managing Director of Publicis One Japan, which is the integration of3 different entities: beacon communications, Saatchi and Saatchi, and MSLGROUP. As a French-Italian whoworked in France, Germany, Russia and Singapore, Tripolino brings more than 15 years of internationalexperience and leadership to the role.
“I believe in partnering with my clients, getting familiar with their business in order to come up withinnovative “end-to-end solutions” leveraging new agency capabilities that have measurable impact on ourclients’ business. In an increasingly complex and fast-changing environment, our role is to provide ouragency brands with a rich eco-system in which they can thrive, while staying true to their DNA.”
Tripolino is already in her new role, and is based out of the beacon communications office in Meguro. Shewill report directly to Nicolas Menat.
“With Floriane on board as Managing Director of our Japan operation, a key market for Publicis Oneregionally and globally, I will be able to devote my undivided attention to leading and overseeing PublicisOne markets in the region including Japan, Korea, Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, and Vietnam,” said Menat, who was appointed Chief Executive Officer of Publicis One Asia in March 2016. He will continueto be based out of Tokyo.
“2016 was an important year for us, as it was the very first year that our brand agencies came together.Recognising the demands for specialization and integration, our Creative Enterprise is built with clients’needs at the center and strives to be the top integrator of best-in-class specialists. We have already see great results across Asia and especially here in Japan. I have every confidence that Publicis One Japan willcontinue to grow under Floriane’s leadership, delivering award-winning work and exceptional R.O.I. for ourclients with truly innovative ideas that go beyond campaigns.”